November 18, 2009

Wacko Wednesday.

Early in the morning, I was talking to RyRy, just like always at 1am. I fell asleep tho talking to him, sadly. ): I woke up bright and early today. Got ready, showered, put away my stuff, did my homework the night before, so I had nothing to worry about. I felt good. (: I made bacon and eggs for my brother and I and it was delicious. ^^ I biked to Nadine's house with my backpack and my purse, just riding with the wind. Why was I so happy?

I reach school around 7:10am, and great everyone with a warm welcome. "HI LIEVE! ^^ HI KIE, DREA! HI ALEXX!" and so on. When I got there, I realized Donald was here. He was absent the day before because he was sick. He's not really my best bud, but he's okay. We're just friends I guess. I'm trying to find out who he likes. It's entertaining to see who your friend likes, you see? Anyways, watched some videos on Lieve's computer. (:


We had a recorder test, and I ended up getting perfect on that. Yada. Yada. Passed notes with Lieve. Tried not to bother Donald, because I said I wouldn't. Yelled at Harry for being a perv. Practiced a piano song we were going to have for a test. Also, we're doing this play called Miss Saigon. Apparently, I'm the lead person with Philline. We're the same character, but we exchange so we don't have a heavy load.

We basically fooled around. Got scolded by Mr.Burgos. He apparently was unhappy with my homepage and my website. He said it looked boring because all my pages had all the same background. He told me that now after making a lot. --; Professional webpages have the same background on almost all their pages. So why can't it be professional? Anyways, my webpage was kind of advanced already. ;P Stupid Mr.Burgos. Chatted with Lieve on Skype, had a fun time fooling around.

We had a quiz on family members and pronouns. Got 12/12. (: I'm just so awesome like that! Nah, not really. Learned colors, and we actually have Book 2 of Chinese. (: Woo! This is all exicting. :]

I saw Alex, and waved. He told me there were some rumors around about me. He only told me a few out of the plenty going around. He told me that Donald and I had a mutual relationship, which was were I know he loves me, and he knows I love him, which is totally not true. ;P 1. I don't know who he likes. 2. I don't like him. Another one is that Donald's my new bud. Bascially rumors of me and Donald. Don't ask why. Then I saw Deion and Kana fighting. I saw Kana crying, I tried asking what happened, but they didn't say anything. Silent Treatment. Alex said it had to deal with some writing on his planner. Uh-oh. I wrote I love Deion on Deion's planner. Was it about that? I meant it as a brother. I mean, I wrote, "I love Lieve." It doesn't neccessarily mean that I actually love her. I loved her as a best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. Was I the flame that started this all?

Social Studies.
Deion came in all depressed. Something bad happened. I let Deion use my laptop to talk to Kana since they were fighting. I felt guilty enough already for starting it. Lieve and I worked on the poster. Actually worked, and made an effort. I can't get a failing grade for Social Studies. Not anymore. I'm a part of the Superman play in my school, and if you get a failing grade in one subject, out you go. So, I got to get things straight. Got a meeting tomorrow about Superman. (:

I went to Kumon, did a book, left. Went to Starbucks, got a Tall Green Tea Frap like always. Got my bro a Raspberry Fruit Frap, he liked it. We ate at Bigby's, and my family and I had fun with my DSi. We took a lot of funny pictures. Maybe I might post one later. :] Got home, talked with Lieve about some serious stuff. Also talked with Alex about the past even though it hurt him, and talked with Ryuki. He misses Yee Yin very much and I hope he can get a grasp of her heart again. I feel sorry for him. Ryuki's an awesome guy. A very important guy in my life. Love him to death.

I was suppose to sleep at 8, but I stayed up to talk to some special people, so I'm off to bed. (:
Love you guys.
♥ Brownie

November 7, 2009

Saturday. Awesome B-day Party. :]

This morning I woke up all tired. We we're up all night doing stuff. Dozed off at about 1am. Had to wake up at 8 to get stuff ready for the b-day party. Went on Facebook to check if anyone was joining my party, and amazingly enough I see Ryry was on doing a few stuff. He was also online last night. I freaked out looked at my msn, he wasn't online. Looked at my skype, not online. So I messaged him through Facebook chat. He told me he'd get on skype. So he did. First he said that his mom wasn't in the room, so we could chat. Then after a while. The truth was told. He said he made it all up. It wasn't his mother all along. He couldn't handle the stress with exams and having a girlfriend half way around the world. So he broke up with me and went with Chaz. I seriously couldn't cry because I didn't have any tears right then. Nothing teared out my eyes. Just a painful jab in the heart. I just told Ryry that it was okay, I forgave him. I just told him not to randomly disappear from me again. Or not lie to me like that. I was just too happy to talk to him. I've gone INSANE. I.N.S.A.N.E. for the past few days without him. I didn't care if he was with another person. All that matter was, he was happy, and okay. He's with Chaz now. She seems pretty nice, so I got nothing to worry about. :] Anyways, I'll just wait for Ryry until he's ready to be with me again or until I move to England. x; I don't think distance is a barrier of love, but proof to show how much you love that person. So I'll wait for you, Ryry. ^^

Anyways, after that, went to my old house, got my DDR stuff and a change of clothes and went to Ayala. Looked for water guns, the whole mall didn't have any. Damn. So we just bought P1235 worth of balloons which is about $26? That's not that much. We saw this store that had a bunch of action figures and it was adorable. Went to Starbucks got a drink. Yeah.

Back at home, we filled like a billion water balloons. Waited for some people to come. The first to come was Kie. She helped us filled some balloons. 20 minutes later, Lieve comes and helps us. We filled like 100. Then sooner Alex is here with Steve. They brought like 50 tiny water balloons? o.O The ones Nadine and I bought were party balloons. 9inches, 12inches. Huge ass balloons. They helped us filled some. So we brought them outside in buckets. The first fight, we started throwing at each other. We got soaked. xD It was a mess. I got Alex extra hard for Ryry. xD We were on the streets just throwing balloons at each other. xD Then we ran out. Kana and Deion came after the fight, sadly. Then Steve had to go.

After a while, we all changed. Then it was DDR time. Dance Dance Revolution. A very addicting game. I showed my horrible skills to them, and they started to play. Kana, Deion, Nadine, and Alex all played DDR. Lieve & Kie just decided to pass on this one. Alex and Deion got very addicted later. They actually do pretty good. But they tend to show off. xD Like if there was a time where they could spin, they spun. I took some videos. Lieve took a video of me doing this song, and yeah. I'll post the videos of Deion & Alex later.

Around 5, we went to Nadine's house and played Rock band2. I wasn't amazed how Deion and Alex got hooked up, but Kie was really into it. o.o She really enjoyed the bass and guitar. She was also good at it. Lieve and I tried playing the Sims 3. We all made our characters, but Kie eventually accidentally deleted our characters. But she only minimized it but the rest didn't know that. I hugged Alex a lot.. ^^; Uh yeah.

Nadine and I prepared dinner for them. We were preparing steamboat with sukiyaki beef and pork bacon. Put udon noodles since I bet Kie liked it. Everyone said it was good. And we had a swell dinner.

After a while we went back to my new house and played DDR for a while. Then everyone of them had to go like every 30 minutes. It was sad. ): I asked Deion if he could hug me and he did. ^^ I felt short tho. xD Oh, well.

My presents. I got hoop earrings from Kie. They were adorable. I got this solar powered flower thing that was just too cute. Nadine payed for the balloons and helped me with my party. Alex's and Steve's present was this really cute black belt with a guitar on it. Ryry gave me this recording of him playing Sweet Child of Mine. xD

Ryry and I talked for a while on Skype call. It's been forever since I've heard his voice, so I couldn't stop smiling. I decided to fall asleep to his voice. Just like before. Oh how I wished those days would come back. x;

Thank you Nadine, my parents, Lieve, Kie, Alex, Deion, Kana, Steven, and Ryry for making my birthday a wonderful one. ^^

November 6, 2009

I'll make this simple and quick since I want to make products on IMVU.

It was a simple day. I woke up all tired and I wanted to sleep even more. Sleeps becoming more addicting to me. So I wake up, and go to school.

Science Class.
It was really perverted. Our Science teacher is really perverted. xD We were learning forces. He defined forces as a push or pull between two bodies. He circled two bodies. Yeah. And my friend, Donald, we were trying to find out who he liked. He's leaving in December, so I'm trying to make him feel loved before he leaves. :D

PE. Swimming.
I didn't swim because I just didn't. Lieve, Katie D. and I just sat out. Watched the rest swim. Yeah. Just chit chatted.

Pretty much just annoyed Donald and hanged with Lieve. Had to stay after during my lunch time doing my final draft because I didn't finish.

Passed notes with Donald and Lieve basically the whole class.
Got a few clues.
Clue #1 : A
Clue #2 : T.A.K.E.
Clue #3 : In our grade.
That's it.

Gym. Yoga.
Did yoga. Hurt like hell. D: Yeah.

Went home, found out I lost my laptop somewhere in school. Mom lectured me. Yeah. Went to sleep early tearing up.


I woke up in my original bedroom. Felt strange because I've been dosing off in the computer room. Ate. Went to school.

Check around and found my laptop under my desk.
Thankfully my Math seat is in the same room as my homeroom and I apparently sit in the same desk for homeroom and math.. >>

Had fun playing the piano and recorder. Recorders pretty much hurt my ears but yeah. Bugged Donald even more, and he got really annoyed, so I kind of backed off a bit. >< If you ever read this Donald, I'm sorry. ): Anyways, we listened to compositions, and John Woo, an awesome cute guy who Korean and plays the drums made this awesome composition and it's still stuck in my head. xD Hope you get famous one day John. xD

I was making a webpage and based it off my myspace. Brilliant. xD Yeah. Pretty much it. Spied on Donald again. XD

Had a shit load of stuff needed to be done and studied. Lao Shi *teacher* is already giving us study guides for the end of semester exam. At least we'll be prepared, right?

Alex had detention, so I had no one else to bug. Where did I go? I found Santi at the gym, and wow. Donald was there, too. Santi, Jayce, and I bugged Donald about who he liked. Donald eventually left me and Jayce alone there. It felt awkward, so I told him we should just go up.

Social Studies.
I left Donald alone. Passed notes with Lieve. I asked Lieve what I should do for my b-day party, and she came up with a brilliant idea. Water balloon fight party. Brilliant. I asked who should I invite. We came up with a list: Lieve, me, Nadine, Alex, both Katies, DONALD, Simon, Tomo, Santi, John, Harry, Steven, Kie, Kana, Deion, Andrea, Mina, Jayce. Did I miss anyone?

After School.
I wanted to skip Catechism, and found out the teacher never came. Oh well, didn't want to go through another day of torture. Thank god. Went home, did a part of a cross stitch, waited 'til Nadine picked me up. Yeah.

Nadines House.
Watched Jeffree Star and now we're gonna make products for IMVU. xD Ryuki made this video for his bday and I wanna watch it. Well, I'm going to make IMVU products now, soo later. And also, Nadine's ankle is sprained and she was stomping around like an idiot. It was hilarious. xD

November 4, 2009

Wednesday. Waking up on the wrong side of the bed to sleeping on the best side of the bed.

This morning I woke up at 5:43am. I felt like I was going to throw up or something like that. It was just a horrible feeling I wanted to doze off again. Then my brother came in the room saying we had to leave home at 6:30am. Gah. Apparently my dad had to go to the hospital to get a CAT scan at 7:30.. so we had to be dropped off early. I tried staying home, but I just went to school. If I felt any worse, I'd just ask the nurse to go home. It was good that we left early, I had to do my music composition.

Music. Mr.Cruz was impressed with my piano composition. I made this composition in 30 minutes that impressed him. I guess the copying messed up, so the notes looked more complicated? I've just been obsessed with the piano lately. I've been trying to learn Tong Hua (Fairy Tale) at home because I promised Ryuki I would a while back. So I got my laptop, put it on the piano, searched how to play Tong Hua, and learned a few notes. Then I had to go do my homework and all that.

IT. Mr.Burgos was a pain in the ass during that block. He'd just ramble saying, "You have to finish this! You have to show your english and math teachers and periods and what you were learning in that class!" I looked at him with a blank stare. I pay attention in class. I never heard im once say that. Ah, well. Got some stuff done for the webpage.

Mandarin. I actually felt smart in Mandarin today. That's amazing. I remembered stuff that I thought I wouldn't remember. I answered a lot of the questions. Actually made an effort to understand. And the teacher was impressed with me today. Thank you Ms.Holayson for making my day better.

History Class. I payed attention. I didn't fool around. I took notes. What's happening to me? This isn't me, but I should get used to it. I should be doing well in school. Not just fooling around. Ah well, I have to research on this guy called Captain Patrick Logan. Oh oh oh, I'll do better in History, just watch me. ;D

I get home, my mom rings up my dad, says I have to go to Kumon. So I do. Went to Ayala, went to Kumon, went to the computer store, got Counter Strike. Yes. I did. ;p Had dinner at Gustavians. Mom yelled at me for not texting her because she never knew. My bro told me he told my mom. Apparently, he didnt. So I got scolded. Yippee.

I get home and I chit chat with Ryuki and Alex. I asked Nadine to double check her room for my phone. Alex and I talked about some stuff.

[9:03:08 PM] .AlexLee.: I am sorry...
[9:05:01 PM] .AlexLee.: hey... I am sorry you had a bad day...
[9:05:18 PM] .AlexLee.: I will try to make it better for you tom...
[9:05:22 PM] .AlexLee.: promise
[9:06:47 PM] Browniee_xx <3:>< [9:08:01 PM] Browniee_xx <3:>

Pretty sweet. (: And now to Ryuki. Apparently he wants a Filipino sim card as well. Gotta save up and make some money. Now, this is what I have to buy: keyboard replacement for my lenovo computer. a new cellphone for me. a cellphone for ryan (if he really wants it.) & a sim for Ryuki. Did I miss anything? I don't think so. Anyways, back to Ryuki. He showed me this song called Still by Taan. The lyrics are really sweet. But, there's this one part that makes me wonder.
"I still love you all this time.
'Cause i love your style,
And i feel your pain,
And i miss you girl.
Every single day."

I don't think Ryuki still loves me, but this song got me thinking. So yah. He loves Debbie, not me. XD Ah I've gone insane again. Oh well. x: I told him about this. And it's also on Ryuki's blog. I'm copying him. >:3

─»¤°×.Brownie!.×°¤«─ 胡慧雯 melancholic. says:
we planned
id send him this cheap phone
with a filipino sim in it
make it go roaming
so i can call that phone
for free if im on unli.

- Chris. imissyou. says:

─»¤°×.Brownie!.×°¤«─ 胡慧雯 melancholic. says:
u want one too? :]

- Chris. imissyou. says:

─»¤°×.Brownie!.×°¤«─ 胡慧雯 melancholic. says:

- Chris. imissyou. says:

─»¤°×.Brownie!.×°¤«─ 胡慧雯 melancholic. says:
fineee, ill get one for ur bday :]

- Chris. imissyou. says:

─»¤°×.Brownie!.×°¤«─ 胡慧雯 melancholic. says:

- Chris. imissyou. says:


─»¤°×.Brownie!.×°¤«─ 胡慧雯 melancholic. says:
i miss ur voice.
i miss those times
where i'd just get the phone

- Chris. imissyou. says:

─»¤°×.Brownie!.×°¤«─ 胡慧雯 melancholic. says:
sit on the couch downstairs
and just talk to you
or go outside
and be scared by the dog.

- Chris. imissyou. says:
i miss those times too bron (:

Ryuki's still very dear to me. A guy who was with me for the longest. 9 Months. Even though we fought a lot, we lasted long. Even though we lived half way around the world, our relationship lasted the longest. And I ended it. I regret it. I'm sorry Ryuki. I'd trying doing everything to let you forgive me, but I know nothing can repay back what I did to you. I'm truely sorry. Please forgive me. Haha. I have this cute picture in my mind, but I'm not saying it here because then it wouldn't be as special to me. <3 Anyways, I got to get going on my homework. Then sleeping. Maybe sit outside for a while just to enjoy the light rain on my skin. Maybe go downstairs and sit on that same couch I talked to Ryuki on. Sit on that bench outside that I got scared in, and when I see the dog, I'm probably going to start laughing because I realize how stupid I sounded on the phone. Well, night. <3


November 3, 2009

Tuesday. Back to school.

I fell asleep sometime around 12 midnight from chatting on IMVU. Met some pretty strange people. o.O Ah, well I met Ryuki on IMVU, so I guess it's just like that? But on Tuesday morning, I woke up at 5:29am. Same routine. Woke up, woke up my brother, told him to take a shower, made breakfast, ate, took a shower, woke up my dad, and yah. My mom's in the province right now. She's coming back on Wednesday night. Then she's off again on Friday. Yippee. ;P Apparently my mom's best friend from childhood, Tita Liza is going to visit us on Friday. It's her birthday on the 5th of November, but sadly, she's not going to celebrate it with us. ): Oh well, I hope Tita Liza brings Luke and maybe bring Uncle Matt with her. XD It's been forever since I've seen Uncle Matt because Liza and Matt had a divorse sometime when I was in 7th grade, so I didn't see them together for a while. ): It was really sad since Uncle Matt's in a band. :D He's so sweet at drums. @.@

Btw, speaking of drums, I bumped into Kyle Tackett in Myspace. It's been a year since I've heard from him. I wonder how he's doing. ;P I told him that I could call the states for free anytime I wanted, so I could talk to him all night if I really wanted to. Amazingly. I saw on some pictures he went back to taking drugs, so I'm going to kill him for doing so. Kyle Tackett, one of my ex's that lived in Kentucky. He's amazing like that. Apparently, he's got a girlfriend that's really sweet. ^^ I'm really happy for him. I still remember in November, for my birthday gift, he told me that he bought 2 backstage passes to a Slipknot concert on February 14. He's best friends with the drummer, Joey, so he could get backstage passes easily. Sad thing is, I moved to the Philippines during December, so I never went to that concert. ): Sadly.

Last night I was talking to Ryuki and Alex. Ryuki was saying he was having some girl problems with Debby again. O: He's so sweet when he has problems like that. It's always fun to cheer him up and see him smile. XD GOD DAMN IT. I want to go to KL again!! XD I want to go to KLCC and go out with him again, and just enjoy strolling around the mall with him. Just like April 6. The day I first met Ryuki. I just can't get over that day. But when I went to my old house, Ryuki was away. He was probably talking to one of his friends on the phone away from his computer laying down somewhere, or maybe laying on the roof like how he always does. All I know is, I fell asleep listening to the song Ryuki gave me. Such a sad but sweet song... I wish i could have someone as sweet as Ryuki.. ><

November 2, 2009

Monday. A day off from school.

Today was a day I got to take off from school because it was a holiday for us. Anyways, It's been forever since I updated because of school, and all that sort of stuff. I went back to chatting on IMVU, so yah. Got new clothes for it, tah-dah. I'm going to develop more on IMVU, so I'm planning to be a big hit for developing. Just watch me! XD MONEY HERE I COME! :D Anyways, also with the Flyff Private Server, my dad bought me a site name, and I decided to call it Nocturnal Flyff. xD Idk, just how I'm bascially awake during night, I thought of Nocturnal. xD I got the private server working on my laptop, and now I need to transfer the stuff on the real computer so people can actually connect to it. After that's done, I got to work on the website, and stuff. It sounds pretty close, so far. :]

Anyways, remember Ryan? Ryan Harrison? Turns out that we got into a few fights... and then soon after that, his mom started to get angry at me being with Ryan. She hated me being with him ever since we started. She doesn't believe that we'll ever meet. I'll prove her wrong. I met Ryuki, and went out with him, I met him, so why can't I do the same with Ryan? When we were "breaking up" (his mom forced him or else he would have his computer taken away) I thought he was just faking it because he didn't like me anymore. But the last time we were talking, he told me he was going to talk to his mom about how annoying and bitchy (excuse my french) she was. Then after that, he disappeared. What I believe is that he got into trouble, and his mom took away his computer and itouch, so I have NO contact to him whatsoever. But I thought of something. I have his cellphone number. I'll try calling him, just for a few minutes. I'll pay my dad later for the cost, but at least I get to hear the truth. Hope everything will turn out right in the future. But I'll be waiting for you RyRy. I will. I'll wait for you until you come back. Because I love you. <3 And I dedicated this whole paragraph for you.

Anyways, Alex and I are best friends now. He's trying to cheer me up because of the whole Ryan situation. And also, Ryuki and I have been talking lately. He's been having more girl problems. Ahh, Ryuki, you also never changed. Thank you. :3 Thank yuu for keeping your promise. (: I owe you one bud. Hope I can visit you in Malaysia sometime. :D

Gotta go develop more stuff on IMVU. :] Wish me luck. <3