October 5, 2009

Monday. The Day I Hate the Most.

This morning I was talking with RyRy, he was watching me sleep which was really sweet of him. He usually talks to me 'til I fall asleep to help my GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder.) It's really annoying, so RyRy makes it so much easier. Thank you, RyRy.(: Anyways, I woke up around 5:30, and got ready for school. The water was freezing cold...

Science class:
We had a Chapter 3 Physics test. Weee. It was just okay. Not too hard, not too easy. Just right. Hope I pass science this year... ;P

Physical Education:
We had soccer skills assessment today. I brought the wrong shoe that was too big for my foot. I'm a size kids 3, 4, 5. I was wearing men's 6. ;P That's the smallest van's carried with that shoe I loved. So I got a 3 out of 5 checks. Great. At least I passed soccer. I failed volleyball because I felt horrible that day. I wonder if I'm even gonna pass. -.-;

The subject I loathe the most. I most likely will fail this class. I have so much missing works from it, I don't pay attention in class. (Mainly because Deion loves to annoy the hell outta me during this class because he's got nothing better to do.) During that time, everyone was like, "You should be with Alex." "Why'd you break up with Alex?" "Who's Ryan Harrison?" "I bet Alex is better than that British guy." "You haven't met him in real life? He could be a pedofile for all i know." God people. Why can't you just mind your own life, and leave me alone for at least once. I told Deion I didn't feel like eating lunch, so I just skipped. My stomach feels queasy after being teased like that.

I bascially was just fooling around for Deion since I don't really have to study for Math. It's one of my subjects that I can just relax. Tests are the only thing that consists of your grade, and I got 100 on every test, so I'm safe. :] Deion, on the other hand, is failing math and never listens. I'm such a bad friend. -.-;

Homework Club:
Mr.Hudson can get a little too overboard with all the rules. I joined this only because Deion didn't want to be alone in that club. Santi was making the private server for Flyff, and I, on the other hand, was just fooling around. Also, I saw my brother running around looking for me. I went outside the classroom and started yelling at him that I told him I had club today and for him to go home with mom, and I'd ride home with Nadine. He told me bad news, mom was in a car accident, but only the back part of her car got dent. Thank god.

Overall: I don't really care about school. Don't ask me why. I've been procrastinating more and more everyday.

I went home, and joined Darknesz Flyff. It's a private server that's already been made by someone else, but Deion's a GM there. I just joined for the fun of it again. I got to level 69. I love my level. <3

Ryuki said he wanted to be a part of my blog, and I promised him, so I made a paragraph for him. ...But let's look at this first!
Ryuki says:
haha x)
gonna check out me album? ;D
Brownie says:
im writing blog first xD
Ryuki says:
haha alright. (:
i hope more about me in this post. XD
Brownie says:
its bascially all abt my school, and then now, and im talking to you now, so yeah.
your gonna be in it.
Ryuki says:
haha x)
Brownie says:
lol xD ily2?
Ryuki says:

"Chyeeeahh" - word I used for yes in 5th grade.

Anyways, paragraph decidated for Ryuki.

Dear Ryuki, you've been a dear friend to me. I always loved how you'd have something always to tell me. From girl troubles, to your shuffling stuff. It's always been exciting to hear. Even though we had a relationship of 9 months, I missed those days. I really wish my dad would bring me to Malaysia by the end of October because my dad's going, and you're there, and I don't want to miss this opportunity. I still remember April o6, o9. The day we first met. It was like heaven. You were all dressed up in black, just holding your cellphone and you were outside trying to find out where I was. I was secretly looking at you for a while until I revealed myself. Ah, the good days. I hope we'll meet again. Maybe next time when I go to Starbucks, I might just get a Caramel Frap to see how good it really is. (:

That's it for today. <3


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