October 5, 2009

Tuesday. Another fucked up day. (:

I woke up today noticing I passed out last night. Fuck. -.-; All that I remembered this morning was my mom wouldn't shut her mouth. I don't know what's up with her. I just wish she wasn't here at all. Then my brother just starts pissing me off with everything. Now, I can't sleep at Nadines anymore, so I can't just escape from my house. -.-; I wish my mom burns in hell.

During Homeroom, Mr. Papaseit pissed the hell outta me. I enter the room, already pissed from my brothers and my mother. Mr. Papaseit just added more gasoline in the fire. I swear, I'd rather hear my mom bitch a whole day than listening to him.

I don't really know what happened in Music and IT. Just fuck it.

Mandarin, it kindda helped me. But oh well.

Lunch time, I didn't feel like eating. I got something, ate 1/4 of it, and went up stairs. Went to the library. Met Alex, talked about stuff, and I hugged him. I missed seeing him smile. When he got up, I just hugged him from the side. He seemed pretty happy, and he smiled a bit, so that brightened up my day.

Social Studies. It really pissed me off. I just, wanted to like die during Social. Deion and Rapha kept on wanting to use my computer. I wanted to chat with Alex. This was the Skype message during this class.

Alex: Deion, I am getting pissed at you, I
know I shouldn't but.. fine. If you go on and disturb bronwen, I shall disturb
kana. sounds like a sweet deal?
Deion: watch out i can get really
Alex: Really Physical. so you are going to
break her arm or something, so you don't consider bronwen as a friend. you
consider her as an object, huh? deion you bastard. fucking answer me. what kind
of a fucking friend are you?

After social, Deion asked for a hug and said sorry to me. Why is he like that? ._. Sometimes I just don't get him.

During badminton club, I was partners with Alex. We sat around most of the time. It was nice to just sit there with him staring up at the sky. We talked for a bit and all that. I made him laugh a bit, which made me giggle. xD Ah, I love making people happy and laugh. (: Especially someone who I just hurt really badly...

I get home and I have gym. Weee. I went to gym and just ran for 20 minutes straight. Yeah, that's not a lot, but with resistance, ypu feel the burn more. After a while, my trainer, Sugar kept on teasing me about this "cute" guy. She kept on asking me why I was staring at him when I was staring at the TV, and she was like I bet he's single, and you two would look cute together. Aieee. I got someone special for me. Thank yuu berry much. xD

I ended up talking with Ryuki about life today and etc. He got depressed for a while saying about how he hated life, and how he hated how every person he loved had changed from the beginning, and how they always just started to disappear. Then a change of events. Ceasar started to yell at me. He started to say I was being really stubborn and annoying. He's my textmate. We sometimes text at school. But today he pissed me off so much. Ugh. Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a 5 year old when I'm talking to him. I got sorta depressed, and Ryuki told me to not be all emotional and depressed. *hypocrypt.. xD sry ryuki* and after a while, I cheered up. I especially cheered up when I saw his blog.
That was one of the pictures my "temp" maid took of me and Ryuki. Feels like forever, but there's always another time. Thank you Ryuki for being there for me. During the sad and depressing times and the crazy hyperness times. I will always be there for you, too. Now I'm just waiting for RyRy to get on so I can finally call him. Sigh. I miss April o6. And I regreat Valentine's Day last year. TT



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