January 17, 2010

Painful Jabs.

Today I woke up at 7:30am by my phone. It gets pretty annoying. Anyways, I got ready and all and ate, cleaned the mice's cages. Did I say one of my mice is pregnant? Anyways, Nadine and I played Pokemon Platinum. It's highly addicting. 3rd day we're already on the way to get the 7th badge. I feel so nerdy.

At lunch, we went to Ching Palace. Had peaking duck like always. Then my mom saw there was parrots on display. My mom was wondering where they got the parrots.And they said they got it from Manila. And so, my mom wants a female and a male parrot.

When me and Nadine went home, we played pokemon again. I so feel like a total nerd.
Then after, we watched "The Girl Who Lept Through Time." It was a really nice anime movie. It was really sad though. It's about this girl who found out she could leap through time and played around with it, and then finds out she has an ammount of times you can leap through time. Then she falls in love with this guy, who was supposedly from the future, but she finds that later. Since he knew the girl lept through time, he confessed his love for her too and she said she'd always wait for him. It's really sad. It brought me to tears.

Later, I had this really strange feeling. I called Alex asking if he could come over to my house so we could talk a while since I haven't seen him in a while. I couldn't really handle it. I started to cry for a while when he said he had to go. I started feeling guilty for all the things I've done to him.

Okay. After, my mom got mad at me for not doing my kumon. So now I have to finish all my kumon books somehow before Febuary.. This is a pain in the ass.
So now, I'm going to try to do as much and get some sleep . @.@

January 10, 2010

Starcraft, Tadpoles && Monopoly

Yesterday, Nadine and I went go-karting at Kartzone. The place was filled with Koreans. (No offence to them or anything, they just like to take up the whole Kartzone.) Anyways, we went there at 1pm, and they said "Come back at 4pm, because the line is filled like crazy." So Nadine and I got Monster *YUM!* and then got some late lunch. The go-karts I had were pretty fast but it was hard to turn.

Last night Dylan, Nadine and I were playing Monopoly. Etc. Etc. Watched a program all about 42 Ways to Kill Hitler. It was interesting. We went to bed at midnight at my house.

I woke up at 8am because I set an alarm for church. Nadine was fast asleep. I went on the bed for a while because my arms were hurting from go-karting, and then I fell asleep. My mom knocked on my door at 9am, so I woke up again. I fell back asleep, and woke up at 10:43am. I went downstairs with Nadine and watched Enchanted with my dad, Dylan, and Nadine. Pretty good movie. XD So we ate Guisupese's for lunch. Went home. Nadine, Dyl and I played Starcraft for a while, we got pwned. Etc. XD I was Terran and Zerg. I don't really like protoss, because I don't play them that much so I dont know the shortcuts. After that, we went to Nadine's house to play DDR. I can play Eternus on Expert. Fire on Expert. Dragon Blade, Expert. Outer Limits, Difficult. Trim on Difficult. Bleh. I feel noobish.

Then after a while, we wanted to catch tadpoles. So we did. We caught about 2000 or so. o.O We're planning to sell them. I don't know what Nadine wants to do. Anyways, Alex came when we were about finished, so I stopped. I gave him a huge hug and kisses like always. XD When we came, Nadine went to her room, and so we followed. Alex and I were on the bed hugging each other like always. Nadine thought we were being too lovey-dovey.

Nadine's dad was getting YellowCab so we ended up eating Pepperoni Pizza. Dyl, Nad and I played Monopoly short style since we had to go home at 8.

So now I'm home. Bored as ever. Because Alex's laptop is broken. ):

January 7, 2010

I feel like a nerd. ;B

Today I wake up, but I didn't feel so good. I was tired from sleeping late too. I turn on the shower and it's acting funny. I went downstairs to make breakfast, and Dylan started complaining how the water pressure was low. Okay, so it wasn't just mine. I gave up on my shower. So I got changed and made orange juice. Tasted a bit sour, but oh well. Got prepared. I had to ride with my mom to school because I have a driver, and according to my mom, since we have a driver, I have to ride in it. --; But little Larry takes forever to get ready. ): So I arrived at school a little bit late.

So I arrive at school, and Emilio and Katie D. were there. They were delayed because of the bomb attempt thingy in the States. If you know about it, it's pretty stupid. So a lot of flights are delayed now because of that. Mr. Papaseit comes inside and explains we have to bring food and drinks for Sinulog. Sinulog is a celebration that's held every 3rd Sunday of January in the Philippines. It's to honor Sto. Nino. The whole Philippines goes crazy and parties and the streets are filled with parades. (That's for people who don't know Sinulog.) Anyways, I was to bring BBQ pork, chicken, pancit (palabok), and chicharon. I usually go crazy, too. XD Some people just offered to bring plates, or drinks, or simply just rice.

Science. Alex told me I would love Mr.Makenzie. He said he was funny and all. But the first time I saw him, he seemed different. When we came in, Katie H. said she was Korean, and I said I was African. He bought mine. I said I was South Africa and he was like Cape Cod? And I'm like "Uhhhhh..." Yeah. So now, he knows me as the Bronwen (who wasn't from Cape Cod.) First he seemed a bit intimidating. The teacher who liked to ask questions. Then later on, he got something I remembered from 7th Grade. Ms. Haga. "Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species." That's the song she taught us. It was with this rhythm that's like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. So after that, I impressed him, and now I enjoy Biology. (: Woo. I made a good impression.

Health. I always hated taking health because it was so boring. All they do is tell you "Don't take drugs or alchohol." What annoyed me the most was, the people who took drugs and alchohol were the ones who were absent. Like they wanted to or something. So we just got lectured. I layed with Alex near the sides because we were to sit on the floor. That was pretty much it.

English. Ah, the class that I barely passed on the exams. I got a 31 out of a 42? or something. That's pretty bad for me. I was like one of the lowest in the class. So I need to improve that. I sat next to Lieve, obviously. XD (You know why Lieve.) So, we were talking about Non-Fiction. Yeah. Took down notes. I feel like a nerd. XD

Lunch. I was bascially bored. I got spaghetti with Alex during lunch and enjoyed it with him. We went up and got ready for Math. Kissed each other on the cheek. And parted.

Math. We went over inequalities. Everyone learned it from last year, and I learned it from Kumon. So, it was pretty much simple for me. Anyways, I still took down notes for the final exam and incase Alex wanted to go over my notes as well. It turned out really cute. XD Lieve and I were talking about how we missed Donald. So Donald, if you see this. We miss you very much. ):

After School. Superman. It was bascially torture. I had a stuffy nose, and my voice sounded horrible, so I couldn't act as a guy. So I got yelled at a lot. When I got home, I labeled by books, read Social Studies, did my Art homework, HE homework, and I'm getting to my Social and Chinese homework. So I have still a lot to go with. (: So night everyone. (:

January 6, 2010

First Day of School in '10.

Today, I woke up at 5:30am. Amazed how I got up at that time, because I usually awake at 12noon or past. I got ready for school and rode with Nadine. We almost got late, but didn't. I got to homeroom just in time. When I got in, it felt so empty. Four people were absent, and one moved away, so we were really tiny. I miss Donald. ): But anyway, when I got to homeroom, I found out what my classes were. First art, then H.E., then Chinese, then History.

I wasn't expecting that much for Art since I'm not really into that type of stuff, but I got my work done and answered, and sat next to Lieve and Katie H. for that block. Ms. Espie likes to seperate us so we can work faster and better. We got this long homework that was to research about artists like Van Gogh and all that.

For H.E. (Home Economics) we had Ms.Jerry. Home Economics is like cooking, sewing, budgetting, and grooming. It's the simple daily things that you do in life, I guess. I like sewing and cooking, so this should be a fun class. Only thing is, the teacher's strict. My table partners are Tomoyuki Saito(yay!), and Emilio Cunningham(gross).

Chinese. My favorite subject. Kie Choya joined Chinese today, so thank god I'm not the only girl in 9th Grade to join. She seemed to catch on very well. And I found out that I had the second highest chinese grade mark. Laura Kwon had first, but she already knew about those stuff since she lived in China before. So, I felt smart. (: Joshua and I were trying to learn together since Ms.Holayson was trying to get Kie up to us. It was funny. XD It helped my homework since we did the question for homework like a billion times. XD Thank you Joshua! :D

Lunch. Finally time to eat! I got spaghetti carbonara because I know Alex Lee liked spaghetti, but I didn't know he liked carbonara a lot. o.o So that was something new I found today. Everyone was like "awww" to us because Alex fed me for a while. >.> eh heh. And Deion and Kana were sitting together. I thought they broke up. o.o Steve went around with us since Emilio wasn't here. So yeah.

History. This was my most dreaded subject. I hated history. I hated how you had to always memorize stuff and dates. It was just not my thing. It was imperialism last year. When I found out what the topic was this year, I was like "oh my god." It's about the Cold War. The Cold War is really easy for me to understand because my dad lectures at me about it, and I watched a program about it, and I took it in 6th grade. So, this should be easy. So Katie H., watch out! >:3 BWAHAHAHA. Lieve and I sat together and did our work, and our taking notes. Easy as that. (:

After school. I went home with my mom, and found out she bought 4 cockatoos (sp?). They looked really pretty and all. (: Alex and I texted a bit, until my unlitxt ran out. (IM SRY HUN! TT) I gave Alex 20 pesos, then 5 minutes later, I recieved a message from 8888. Great. XD So yeah. Nadine joined us for Kumon, she was having a bad day, and Dylan finished early. I just had to recheck. Yada Yada. We ate at Banana Leaf. (Which is Malaysian food.) Yada. Yada. Bought fruits, and blend it when we got home. Then I did my homework. WOAH. Stop right there. I usually don't do homework. Yet, I did my Social Studies homework. And Chinese homework. I felt accomplished right there. So yeah. (: Talked with Lieve, and Ryuki, but not for long. And now, I'm off to bed. :]