January 6, 2010

First Day of School in '10.

Today, I woke up at 5:30am. Amazed how I got up at that time, because I usually awake at 12noon or past. I got ready for school and rode with Nadine. We almost got late, but didn't. I got to homeroom just in time. When I got in, it felt so empty. Four people were absent, and one moved away, so we were really tiny. I miss Donald. ): But anyway, when I got to homeroom, I found out what my classes were. First art, then H.E., then Chinese, then History.

I wasn't expecting that much for Art since I'm not really into that type of stuff, but I got my work done and answered, and sat next to Lieve and Katie H. for that block. Ms. Espie likes to seperate us so we can work faster and better. We got this long homework that was to research about artists like Van Gogh and all that.

For H.E. (Home Economics) we had Ms.Jerry. Home Economics is like cooking, sewing, budgetting, and grooming. It's the simple daily things that you do in life, I guess. I like sewing and cooking, so this should be a fun class. Only thing is, the teacher's strict. My table partners are Tomoyuki Saito(yay!), and Emilio Cunningham(gross).

Chinese. My favorite subject. Kie Choya joined Chinese today, so thank god I'm not the only girl in 9th Grade to join. She seemed to catch on very well. And I found out that I had the second highest chinese grade mark. Laura Kwon had first, but she already knew about those stuff since she lived in China before. So, I felt smart. (: Joshua and I were trying to learn together since Ms.Holayson was trying to get Kie up to us. It was funny. XD It helped my homework since we did the question for homework like a billion times. XD Thank you Joshua! :D

Lunch. Finally time to eat! I got spaghetti carbonara because I know Alex Lee liked spaghetti, but I didn't know he liked carbonara a lot. o.o So that was something new I found today. Everyone was like "awww" to us because Alex fed me for a while. >.> eh heh. And Deion and Kana were sitting together. I thought they broke up. o.o Steve went around with us since Emilio wasn't here. So yeah.

History. This was my most dreaded subject. I hated history. I hated how you had to always memorize stuff and dates. It was just not my thing. It was imperialism last year. When I found out what the topic was this year, I was like "oh my god." It's about the Cold War. The Cold War is really easy for me to understand because my dad lectures at me about it, and I watched a program about it, and I took it in 6th grade. So, this should be easy. So Katie H., watch out! >:3 BWAHAHAHA. Lieve and I sat together and did our work, and our taking notes. Easy as that. (:

After school. I went home with my mom, and found out she bought 4 cockatoos (sp?). They looked really pretty and all. (: Alex and I texted a bit, until my unlitxt ran out. (IM SRY HUN! TT) I gave Alex 20 pesos, then 5 minutes later, I recieved a message from 8888. Great. XD So yeah. Nadine joined us for Kumon, she was having a bad day, and Dylan finished early. I just had to recheck. Yada Yada. We ate at Banana Leaf. (Which is Malaysian food.) Yada. Yada. Bought fruits, and blend it when we got home. Then I did my homework. WOAH. Stop right there. I usually don't do homework. Yet, I did my Social Studies homework. And Chinese homework. I felt accomplished right there. So yeah. (: Talked with Lieve, and Ryuki, but not for long. And now, I'm off to bed. :]


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