January 17, 2010

Painful Jabs.

Today I woke up at 7:30am by my phone. It gets pretty annoying. Anyways, I got ready and all and ate, cleaned the mice's cages. Did I say one of my mice is pregnant? Anyways, Nadine and I played Pokemon Platinum. It's highly addicting. 3rd day we're already on the way to get the 7th badge. I feel so nerdy.

At lunch, we went to Ching Palace. Had peaking duck like always. Then my mom saw there was parrots on display. My mom was wondering where they got the parrots.And they said they got it from Manila. And so, my mom wants a female and a male parrot.

When me and Nadine went home, we played pokemon again. I so feel like a total nerd.
Then after, we watched "The Girl Who Lept Through Time." It was a really nice anime movie. It was really sad though. It's about this girl who found out she could leap through time and played around with it, and then finds out she has an ammount of times you can leap through time. Then she falls in love with this guy, who was supposedly from the future, but she finds that later. Since he knew the girl lept through time, he confessed his love for her too and she said she'd always wait for him. It's really sad. It brought me to tears.

Later, I had this really strange feeling. I called Alex asking if he could come over to my house so we could talk a while since I haven't seen him in a while. I couldn't really handle it. I started to cry for a while when he said he had to go. I started feeling guilty for all the things I've done to him.

Okay. After, my mom got mad at me for not doing my kumon. So now I have to finish all my kumon books somehow before Febuary.. This is a pain in the ass.
So now, I'm going to try to do as much and get some sleep . @.@


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