November 18, 2009

Wacko Wednesday.

Early in the morning, I was talking to RyRy, just like always at 1am. I fell asleep tho talking to him, sadly. ): I woke up bright and early today. Got ready, showered, put away my stuff, did my homework the night before, so I had nothing to worry about. I felt good. (: I made bacon and eggs for my brother and I and it was delicious. ^^ I biked to Nadine's house with my backpack and my purse, just riding with the wind. Why was I so happy?

I reach school around 7:10am, and great everyone with a warm welcome. "HI LIEVE! ^^ HI KIE, DREA! HI ALEXX!" and so on. When I got there, I realized Donald was here. He was absent the day before because he was sick. He's not really my best bud, but he's okay. We're just friends I guess. I'm trying to find out who he likes. It's entertaining to see who your friend likes, you see? Anyways, watched some videos on Lieve's computer. (:


We had a recorder test, and I ended up getting perfect on that. Yada. Yada. Passed notes with Lieve. Tried not to bother Donald, because I said I wouldn't. Yelled at Harry for being a perv. Practiced a piano song we were going to have for a test. Also, we're doing this play called Miss Saigon. Apparently, I'm the lead person with Philline. We're the same character, but we exchange so we don't have a heavy load.

We basically fooled around. Got scolded by Mr.Burgos. He apparently was unhappy with my homepage and my website. He said it looked boring because all my pages had all the same background. He told me that now after making a lot. --; Professional webpages have the same background on almost all their pages. So why can't it be professional? Anyways, my webpage was kind of advanced already. ;P Stupid Mr.Burgos. Chatted with Lieve on Skype, had a fun time fooling around.

We had a quiz on family members and pronouns. Got 12/12. (: I'm just so awesome like that! Nah, not really. Learned colors, and we actually have Book 2 of Chinese. (: Woo! This is all exicting. :]

I saw Alex, and waved. He told me there were some rumors around about me. He only told me a few out of the plenty going around. He told me that Donald and I had a mutual relationship, which was were I know he loves me, and he knows I love him, which is totally not true. ;P 1. I don't know who he likes. 2. I don't like him. Another one is that Donald's my new bud. Bascially rumors of me and Donald. Don't ask why. Then I saw Deion and Kana fighting. I saw Kana crying, I tried asking what happened, but they didn't say anything. Silent Treatment. Alex said it had to deal with some writing on his planner. Uh-oh. I wrote I love Deion on Deion's planner. Was it about that? I meant it as a brother. I mean, I wrote, "I love Lieve." It doesn't neccessarily mean that I actually love her. I loved her as a best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. Was I the flame that started this all?

Social Studies.
Deion came in all depressed. Something bad happened. I let Deion use my laptop to talk to Kana since they were fighting. I felt guilty enough already for starting it. Lieve and I worked on the poster. Actually worked, and made an effort. I can't get a failing grade for Social Studies. Not anymore. I'm a part of the Superman play in my school, and if you get a failing grade in one subject, out you go. So, I got to get things straight. Got a meeting tomorrow about Superman. (:

I went to Kumon, did a book, left. Went to Starbucks, got a Tall Green Tea Frap like always. Got my bro a Raspberry Fruit Frap, he liked it. We ate at Bigby's, and my family and I had fun with my DSi. We took a lot of funny pictures. Maybe I might post one later. :] Got home, talked with Lieve about some serious stuff. Also talked with Alex about the past even though it hurt him, and talked with Ryuki. He misses Yee Yin very much and I hope he can get a grasp of her heart again. I feel sorry for him. Ryuki's an awesome guy. A very important guy in my life. Love him to death.

I was suppose to sleep at 8, but I stayed up to talk to some special people, so I'm off to bed. (:
Love you guys.
♥ Brownie


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